Okay, so I've been MIA for a loooooong time. Hopefully my hiatus didn't leave you all thinking that I'm a slacker. I have been busy doing all kinds of projects that I am anxious to share. Downloading and uploading all those pesky images on my sloooooooooow computer take their toll on my sanity. Luckily, my dad is working out the kinks with my computer problems, so hopefully, I won't be MIA anymore :)
This post is dedicated to a very special quilt for a very special person in my life.
This is a One Block Wonder (OBW) quilt that I made for my aunt and FINALLY got some pics of. She is like a second mom to me and is very deserving of something special. She has been going through a rough patch in her life and I am hoping that this has cheered her up. I started working on it back in March of this year when I was at a quilting night at my friend Jill's house (HOLLLLLLAAAA Jill). I had it all cut out but didn't get it all pieced until July. I am very happy with the way it turned out. The original fabric is this adorable Alexander Henry fabric called "From the Hip." You should all know that I have a bit of an obsession with his fabric and have quite the stash of his fabric!
I felt this was an appropriate post for my blog since I AM the Lone Quilter and I did this western-themed quilt. The idea for this quilt comes from a very funny story about my uncle that has become an inside joke between my aunt and I that I will never forget. The quick version goes like this:
I have been helping my sweet, sweet uncle (who is an artist and is very particular) create his own quilt also western-themed (more on that quilt later). He bought tons of cowboy novelty fabrics to use throughout it and he insisted on fussy cutting each block. WOW, was there a lot of blocks. We got to a fabric that had mostly cowboys on horses, but had one cowGIRL included in the repeat. He was sure to tell my aunt and I that he did not want her in his quilt, we needed to cut around her. He did not want any female likeness in his "masculine quilt." Before you ask, yes, this is for THEIR bed, where my aunt sleeps too! I thought this whole thing terribly funny and couldn't resist creating this quilt for my aunt to have. I love them both and am so grateful to have such a funny memory of them that I will never forget!
Some close-ups :)
This one shows some of the original panel
Two March quilting goals
3 weeks ago